Women in Algebra and Symbolic Computation III

From December 9 – 11, 2024 the third edition of the workshop “Women in Algebra and Symbolic Computation” will take place at the Kurparkhotel in Bad Dürkheim. The main organizers are Prof. Dr. Gunter Malle, Prof. Dr. Hannah Markwig, Prof. Dr. Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen and Dr. Michael Kunte.


The conference is dedicated to the promotion of female researchers in the research area of our TRR. Hence the algebraic disciplines group and representation theory, algebraic geometry, commutative and non-commutative algebra, tropical and polyhedral geometry, number theory as well as random matrix theory and free probability are included. These mathematical fields are connected through symbolic methods and computations.

We are aiming at providing a stimulating platform for female researchers – networking is one of the main objectives of the workshop. This includes established female researches as well as Postdocs and graduate students. Male participants are very welcome and encouraged to attend.

Main Speakers

speakerfield of researchhome universitytitle of the talk
Ana BoteroUniversität Bielefeldtba
Rachel NewtonKing's College Londontba
Cécile GachetHumboldt Universität zu Berlintba



