
No. Project title Research areaProject leader
AMathematical challenges requiring software support
A1Character sheaves and generic character tablesGroup representation theoryMeinolf Geck, Frank Lübeck
A2Generalised Gelfand-Graev representations, unipotent classes and nilpotent orbitsGroup representation theoryMeinolf Geck, Gunter Malle
A5Decomposition matricesGroup representation theoryGunter Malle
A10Algorithmic approaches to Teichmüller curvesAlgebraic geometryGabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen
A11Tropical linear degenerate flag varieties and applicationsTropical geometry, representation theoryGhislain Fourier, Hannah Markwig, Gabriele Nebe
A13Generating series for curve countingTropical geometryJanko Böhm, Hannah Markwig
A14Topological recursion and free probability theoryFree probability, random matricesRoland Speicher
A17Clifford ordersNumber theoryGabriele Nebe
A19Practical and theoretical aspects of the group isomorphism problemAlgorithmic group theory, finite group theory, computational complexityPascal Schweitzer
A20Towards unipotent character sheaves associated to Coxeter groupsRepresentation theory, category theoryUlrich Thiel
A21Arithmetic and convexity in buildingsTropical geometry, arithmetic geometry, number theoryGabriele Nebe, Bernd Sturmfels
A22Automorphisms of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds via hermitian formsAlgebraic geometry, number theorySimon Brandhorst
A23Conjectures and new examples in birational geometryAlgebraic geometry, representation theoryVladimir Lazic, Frank-Olaf Schreyer, Ulrich Thiel
A24Lattice polytopes, partially ordered sets, spherical varietiesPolyhedral and algebraic geometry, representation theoryMichael Joswig, Ghislain Fourier
A25Quantum Symmetries and Quantum Isomorphisms of GraphsCompact Quantum GroupsMoritz Weber
A26Algorithms and Logic for Automata GroupsGeometric group theory, decision problems, finite state automataLaurent Bartholdi
BComputational challenges posed by research in mathematics
B1Central software project: Interaction, high-performance and support (OSCAR)Algorithmic number theory, group representation theory, polyhedral geometry, algebraic geometry, computer algebraWolfram Decker, Claus Fieker, Max Horn, Michael Joswig
B2Galois cohomology for non-normal fieldsAlgorithmic number theoryClaus Fieker
B4Enumerating tropical curves and hypersurfacesTropical geometryMichael Joswig, Hannah Markwig
B5Singular: Massively parallel structures in algebraic geometryAlgebraic geometry, computer algebraJanko Böhm, Simon Brandhorst, Wolfram Decker
B6Gröbner techniques for PBW deformations: parametrization, representations, applicationsComputer algebra, representation theory, constructive homological algebraGhislain Fourier, Ulrich Thiel, Eva Zerz
B7 Computations with matrix groupsGroup theoryMax Horn, Alice Niemeyer
CCentral projects
IRTGIntegrated Research Training GroupGabriele Nebe, Roland Speicher
ZCentral tasks of the Collaborative Research CentreGunter Malle