
482 entries « 1 of 4 »

Basson, Dirk; Böhm, Janko; Marais, Magdaleen S.; Rahn, Mirko; Rakotoarisoa, Hobihasina P.

Massively Parallel Modular Methods in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024, (Preprint).

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Bendle, Dominik; Böhm, Janko; Heymann, Murray; Ma, Rourou; Rahn, Mirko; Ristau, Lukas; Wittmann, Marcel; Wu, Zihao; Xu, Hefeng; Zhang, Yang

pfd-parallel, a Singular/GPI-Space package for massively parallel multivariate partial fractioning Journal Article

In: Computer Physics Communications, vol. 294, pp. 108942, 2024, ISSN: 0010-4655.

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Bendle, Dominik; Böhm, Janko; Ren, Yue; Schröter, Benjamin

Massively parallel computation of tropical varieties, their positive part, and tropical Grassmannians Journal Article

In: Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 120, pp. 102224, 2024, ISSN: 0747-7171.

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Böhm, Janko; Breuer, Thomas

Algorithms for GIT-Fans of Affine Torus Actions Book Section Forthcoming

In: Forthcoming.



Böhm, Janko; Decker, Wolfram; Schreyer, Frank-Olaf

Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Book Section Forthcoming

In: Forthcoming.



Böhm, Janko; Marais, Magdaleen S.; Pfister, Gerhard

Moduli Parameters of Complex Singularities with Non-Degenerate Newton Boundary Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024, (Preprint).

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Boos, Magdalena; Irelli, Giovanni Cerulli; Fang, Xin; Fourier, Ghislain

Symmetric degenerations for equoriented quivers of type A Journal Article

In: 2024.

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Brandhorst, Simon; Zach, Matthias

Elliptic fibrations on Vinberg's most algebraic K3 surface Book Section Forthcoming

In: Forthcoming.

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Breuer, Thomas; Calegari, Frank; Dolfi, Silvio; Navarro, Gabriel; Tiep, Pham Huu

Finite groups whose real irreducible representations have unique dimensions Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

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Breuer, Thomas; Héthelyi, László; Horváth, Erzsébet; Külshammer, Burkhard

On Frobenius graphs of diameter 3 for finite groups Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

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Breuer, Thomas; Nebe, Gabriele; Parker, Richard

An ATLAS of orthogonal representations Journal Article

In: OSCAR Book, 2024.

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Casabella, Laura; Joswig, Michael; Kastner, Lars

Subdivisions of Hypersimplices: with a View Toward Finite Metric Spaces Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

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Cavalieri, Renzo; Markwig, Hannah; Schmitt, Johannes

k-leaky double Hurwitz descendants Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

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Cleuster, Ester; Fourier, Ghislain; Lerner, Felix

FFLV polytopes are string polytopes Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

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Fourier, Ghislain; Eß, Léon

A minimal Gröbner basis for simple sl_n or sp_n-modules Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

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Glasby, S. P.; Niemeyer, Alice C.; Praeger, Cheryl E.

Bipartite q-Kneser graphs and two-generated irreducible linear groups Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024, (Preprint (reference will be added)).

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Hahn, Marvin Anas; Markwig, Hannah

Tropical twisted Hurwitz numbers for elliptic curves Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

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Hahn, Marvin Anas; Nebe, Gabriele; Stanojkovski, Mima; Sturmfels, Bernd

Subspaces Fixed by a Nilpotent Matrix Journal Article

In: Orbita Mathematicae, vol. 1, pp. 1–15, 2024.



Horn, Max.; Pfersdorff, Tristan; Rademacher, Daniel

MSLP analysis for constructive recognition of classical groups of small rank Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024, (Preprint (reference will be added)).



Johansson, Birte

The inductive McKay–Navarro condition for the Suzuki and Ree groups and for groups with non-generic Sylow normalizers Journal Article

In: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, vol. 228, pp. Paper No. 107469, 18 pp., 2024.

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Niemeyer, Alice C.; Horn, Max; Praeger, Cheryl E.; Rademacher, Daniel

A new approach for Constructive Recognition of Special Linear Groups Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024, (Preprint (reference will be added)).



Niemeyer, Alice C.; Popiel, Tomasz; Praeger, Cheryl E.; Rademacher, Daniel

Straight-line programs with memory and matrix Bruhat decomposition Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

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Roth, Marie

Unitriangularity of decomposition matrices of the unipotent $ell$-blocks for simple adjoint exceptional groups Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

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Wu, Zihao; Böhm, Janko; Ma, Rourou; Xu, Hefeng; Zhang, Yang

NeatIBP 1.0, a package generating small-size integration-by-parts relations for Feynman integrals Journal Article

In: Computer Physics Communications, vol. 295, pp. 108999, 2024, ISSN: 0010-4655.

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Wu, Zihao; Böhm, Janko; Ma, Rourou; Xu, Hefeng; Zhang, Yang

NeatIBP 1.0, a package generating small-size integration-by-parts relations for Feynman integrals Journal Article

In: Computer Physics Communications, vol. 295, pp. 108999, 2024, ISSN: 0010-4655.

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Ahmad, Ibrahim; Fourier, Ghislain; Joswig, Michael

Order and chain polytopes of maximal ranked posets Online

2023, visited: 04.09.2023.

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Balla, George; Fang, Xin

Tropical symplectic flag varieties: a Lie-theoretic approach Online

2023, visited: 20.02.2023.

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Balla, George; Fang, Xin

Tropical symplectic flag variety: a Lie-theoretic approach Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Accepted in Algebraic Combinatorics).

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Balla, George; Olarte, Jorge Alberto

The tropical symplectic Grassmannian Journal Article

In: International Mathematics Research Notices, vol. 2023, no. 2, pp. 1036–1072, 2023.



Balla, George

Symplectic PBW degenerate flag varieties; PBW tableaux and defining equations Journal Article

In: Transformation Groups, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 505–540, 2023.



Bellamy, Gwyn; Schmitt, Johannes; Thiel, Ulrich

On parabolic subgroups of symplectic reflection groups Journal Article

In: Glasg. Math. J., vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 401–413, 2023.



Bellamy, Gwyn; Thiel, Ulrich

The rank-one property for free Frobenius extensions Journal Article

In: Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, 2023, (To appear).

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Belotti, Mara; Joswig, Michael; Meroni, Chiara; Schleis, Victoria; Schmitt, Johannes

Computations in OSCAR Journal Article

In: SIAM News, vol. 56, iss. 7, 2023, (SIAM News, Sept issue, pp. 9-10).

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Biasse, Jean-François; Fieker, Claus; Hofmann, Tommy; Youmans, William

An algorithm for solving the principal ideal problem with subfields Journal Article

In: Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 2023.

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Blomme, Thomas; Markwig, Hannah

Tropical descendant invariants with line constraints Journal Article

In: Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2023.

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Blomme, Thomas; Schleis, Victoria

Tropical Möbius strips and ruled surfaces Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

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Böhm, J.; Dastur, F.; Hoffmann, A.; Markwig, H.; Traore, A.

Algorithms for Gromov-Witten Invariants of Elliptic Curves Book Section Forthcoming

In: Forthcoming.

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Bonnafé, Cédric; Thiel, Ulrich

Computational aspects of Calogero-Moser spaces Journal Article

In: Selecta Math. New. Ser., vol. 29, pp. Paper No. 79, 2023.



Borzì, Alessio; Schleis, Victoria

Linear Degenerate Tropical Flag Varieties Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

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Brachter, Jendrik; Kaja, Eda

Classification of non-solvable groups whose power graph is a cograph Journal Article

In: Journal of Group Theory, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 851–872, 2023.

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Brachter, Jendrik; Kaja, Eda

On groups with chordal power graph, including a classification in the case of finite simple groups Journal Article

In: Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1095–1124, 2023, ISSN: 1572-9192.

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Brandhorst, Simon; Cattaneo, Alberto

Prime order isometries of unimodular lattices and automorphisms of IHS manifolds Journal Article

In: Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, no. 18, pp. 15584–15638, 2023, ISSN: 1073-7928,1687-0247.

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Brandhorst, Simon; Elkies, Noam D.

Equations for a K3 Lehmer map Journal Article

In: J. Algebr. Geom., vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 641–675, 2023, ISSN: 1056-3911.

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Brandhorst, Simon; Mezzedimi, Giacomo

Borcherds lattices and K3 surfaces of zero entropy Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

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Brandhorst, Simon; Rams, Sławomir; Shimada, Ichiro

On characteristic polynomials of automorphisms of Enriques surfaces Journal Article

In: Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 633–656, 2023, ISSN: 0034-5318.

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Brandhorst, Simon; Veniani, Davide Cesare

Hensel lifting algortihms for quadratic forms Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

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Brandt, Madeline; Bruce, Juliette; Corey, Daniel

The virtual Euler characteristic for binary matroids Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

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Breuer, Thomas; Guralnick, Robert M.

Finite groups can be generated by a π-subgroup and a pi'-subgroup Journal Article

In: Israel J. Math., vol. 257, no. 1, pp. 55–69, 2023, ISSN: 0021-2172,1565-8511.

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Chirivì, Rocco; Fang, Xin; Littelmann, Peter

Seshadri stratifications and standard monomial theory Journal Article

In: Inventiones Mathematicae, 2023.

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Comăneci, Andrei; Joswig, Michael

Tropical medians by transportation Journal Article

In: Mathematical Programming, pp. 1–27, 2023.



Corey, Daniel; Luber, Dante

Singular matroid realization spaces Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

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Fang, Xin; Gorsky, Mikhail; Palu, Yann; Plamondon, Pierre-Guy; Pressland, Matthew

Extriangulated ideal quotients, with applications to cluster theory and gentle algebras Online


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Farrell, N.; Lassueur, C.

Trivial source character tables of rm SL_2(q), II Journal Article

In: Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc., II. Ser., vol. 66, pp. 689–709, 2023.

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Flake, Johannes; Thevis, Andrea

Strata of p-Origamis Journal Article

In: Mathematische Nachrichten, vol. 296, iss. 3, pp. 1087–1116, 2023.

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Flake, Johannes; Harman, Nate; Laugwitz, Robert

The indecomposable objects in the center of Deligne’s category RepSt Journal Article

In: Proc. Lond. Math. Soc, vol. 126, iss. 4, pp. 1134–1181, 2023.

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Flake, Johannes; Laugwitz, Robert; Posur, Sebastian

Indecomposable objects in Khovanov-Sazdanovic’s generalizations of Deligne’s interpolation categories Journal Article

In: Adv. Math., vol. 415, 2023.

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Fourier, Ghislain; Nebe, Gabriele

Degenerate flag varieties in network coding Journal Article

In: Adv. Math. Commun., vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 888–899, 2023, ISSN: 1930-5346.

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Frühbis-Krüger, Anne; Zach, Matthias

Determinantal Singularities Book Section

In: Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities IV, pp. 45–156, Springer, 2023.



Geck, Meinolf

The character table of the finite Chevalley group F4(q) for q a power of 2 Journal Article

In: Arch. Math., 2023.

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Goertzen, Tom; Macek, Domen; Schnelle, Lukas; Weiß, Meike; Reese, Stefanie; Holthusen, Hagen; Niemeyer, Alice C.

Mechanical Comparison of Arrangement Strategies for Topological Interlocking Assemblies Online


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Hetz, Jonas

On the generalised Springer correspondence for groups of type E_8 Journal Article

In: Represent. Theory, vol. 27, pp. 973–999, 2023.

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Hetz, Jonas

The values of unipotent characters at unipotent elements for groups of type E_8 and ^2!E_6 Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Preprint at arXiv230909915).

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Hetz, Jonas

The values of unipotent characters at unipotent elements for groups of type $E_8$ Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

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Hoff, Michael; Stenger, Isabel

On the Numerical Dimension of Calabi–Yau 3-Folds of Picard Number 2 Journal Article

In: Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, no. 12, pp. 10736–10758, 2023.

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Hoffmann, Johannes; Mai, Tobias; Speicher, Roland

Computing the noncommutative inner rank by means of operator-valued free probability theory Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

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Hoyer, Linda; Nebe, Gabriele

Orthogonal Determinants of SL_3(q) and SU_3(q) Journal Article

In: Archiv der Mathematik, vol. 121, 5-6, pp. 681-689, 2023.

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Iezzi, Giulia; Schleis, Victoria

Quiver Dressian Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Preprint).

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Joswig, Michael; Smith, Ben

Convergent Hahn series and tropical geometry of higher rank Journal Article

In: Journal of the London Mathematical Society, vol. 107, no. 4, pp. 1450–1481, 2023.



Kany, Manuel; Matheus, Carlos

Arithmeticity of the Kontsevich–Zorich monodromies of certain families of square-tiled surfaces II Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Kattler, Pascal

Index of the Kontsevich-Zorich monodromy of origamis in H(2) Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

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Kattler, Pascal

Index of the Kontsevich-Zorich monodromy of origamis in mathcalH(2) Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

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Kessar, Radha; Malle, Gunter

Jordan correspondence and block distribution of characters Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

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Kessar, Radha; Malle, Gunter; Semeraro, Jason

The principal block of a ℤℓ-spets and Yokonuma type algebras Journal Article

In: Algebra & Number Theory, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. 397-433, 2023.

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Koshitani, S.; Lassueur, C.; Sambale, B.

Principal 2-blocks with wreathed defect groups up to splendid Morita equivalence Online

2023, visited: 20.10.2023, (Preprint, arXiv:2310.13621).

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Lassueur, C.

A Tour of $p$-Permutation Modules and Related Classes of Modules Journal Article

In: Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, vol. 125, pp. 137–189, 2023.

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Lazić, Vladimir

Programming the Minimal Model Program: a proposal Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Preprint, arXiv:2310.01097).

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Lazić, Vladimir; Matsumura, Shin-ichi; Peternell, Thomas; Tsakanikas, Nikolaos; Xie, Zhixin

The Nonvanishing Problem for varieties with nef anticanonical bundle Journal Article

In: Doc. Math., vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 1393–1440, 2023.



Lazić, Vladimir; Xie, Zhixin

Nakayama–Zariski decomposition and the termination of flips Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Preprint, arXiv:2305.01752).

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Lübeck, Frank

On the Green functions of the finite Chevalley groups E_8(FF_q) Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.



Mäurer, Fabian; Thiel, Ulrich

An algorithm for computing the center of a fusion category Online

2023, (In preparation).

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Mai, Tobias; Speicher, Roland; Yin, Sheng

The free field: Realization via unbounded operators and Atiyah property Journal Article

In: Journal of Functional Analysis, vol. 285, no. 5, pp. 110016, 2023.

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Malle, Gunter

Projective indecomposable permutation modules Journal Article

In: Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, iss. 51, pp. 633-656, 2023.



Malle, Gunter; Navarro, Gabriel; Tiep, Pham Huu

On Alperin's lower bound for the number of Brauer characters Journal Article

In: Transformation Groups, iss. 28, pp. 1205-1220, 2023.



Markwig, Hannah; Payne, Sam; Shaw, Kris

Bitangents to plane quartics via tropical geometry: rationality, A^1-enumeration, and real signed count Journal Article

In: Res. Math. Sci., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. Paper No. 21, 54, 2023.

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Markwig, Hannah; Ristau, Lukas; Schleis, Viktoria

Faithful tropicalization of hyperelliptic curves of genus 3 Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Preprint, submitted to OSCAR book).

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Marquand, Lisa; Muller, Stevell

Finite groups of symplectic birational transformations of IHS manifolds of OG10 type Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

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Miezaki, Tsuyoshi; Nebe, Gabriele

Pseudo-normalized Hecke eigenform and its application to extremal 2-modular lattices Journal Article

In: J. Number Theory, vol. 248, pp. 294–309, 2023, ISSN: 0022-314X.

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Miyagawa, Akihiro; Speicher, Roland

A dual and conjugate system for q-Gaussians for all q Journal Article

In: Advances in Mathematics, vol. 413, pp. 108834, 2023.

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Nebe, Gabriele; Parker, Richard

Equivariant quadratic forms in characteristic 2 Journal Article

In: Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 668–679, 2023, ISSN: 0024-6093.

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Nebe, Gabriele; Parker, Richard

Orthogonal stability Journal Article

In: J. Algebra, vol. 614, pp. 362–391, 2023, ISSN: 0021-8693.

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Rogel, Liam; Thiel, Ulrich

The center of the asymptotic Hecke category and unipotent character sheaves Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

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Schlage-Puchta, Jan-Christoph; Weitze-Schmithüsen, Gabriela

Totally non congruence Veech groups Journal Article

In: Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 1115–1131, 2023, ISSN: 1661-7207.

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Schmitt, Johannes

The class group of a minimal model of a quotient singularity Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Preprint, arXiv:2309.05402).

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Schreyer, Frank-Olaf; Stenger, Isabel

An 8-dimensional family of simply connected Godeaux surfaces Journal Article

In: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 376, pp. 3419–3443, 2023.

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Stanojkovski, Mima

Submodule codes as spherical codes in buildings Journal Article

In: Des. Codes Cryptography, vol. 91, no. 7, pp. 2449–2472, 2023, ISSN: 0925-1022.



Stenger, Isabel; Xie, Zhixin

Cones of divisors on P^3 blown up at eight very general points Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Preprint, arXiv:2303.12005).

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Voggesberger, Laura

On the computation of the nilpotent pieces in bad characteristic for algebraic groups of type G_2, F_4, and E_6 Journal Article

In: Journal of Algebra, vol. 617, pp. 48–78, 2023.

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Maazouz, Yassine El; Nebe, Gabriele; Stanojkovski, Mima

Bolytrope orders Journal Article

In: Int. J. Number Theory, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 937–954, 2023, ISSN: 1793-0421.

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Agostini, Daniele; Çelik, Türkü Özlüm; Eken, Demir

Numerical reconstruction of curves from their Jacobians Journal Article

In: Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 779, pp. 1–12, 2022.

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Agostini, Daniele; Markwig, Hannah; Nollau, Clemens; Schleis, Victoria; Sendra-Arranz, Javier; Sturmfels, Bernd

Recovery of Plane Curves from Branch Points Journal Article

In: Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2022.

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Allcock, Daniel; Corey, Daniel; Payne, Sam

Tropical moduli spaces as symmetric Δ-complexes Journal Article

In: Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 193–205, 2022, ISSN: 0024-6093.

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Balla, George; Fourier, Ghislain; Kambaso, Kunda

PBW filtration and monomial bases for Demazure modules in types A and C Journal Article

In: Beitr. Algebra Geom., vol. 64, iss. 4, pp. 887–907, 2022.

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Bartholdi, Laurent

Connectedness of a space of branched coverings with a periodic cycle Journal Article

In: 2022.



Bellamy, Gwyn; Schmitt, Johannes; Thiel, Ulrich

Towards the classification of symplectic linear quotient singularities admitting a symplectic resolution Journal Article

In: Math. Z., vol. 300, no. 1, pp. 661–681, 2022, ISSN: 0025-5874.

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Bellamy, Gwyn; Thiel, Ulrich

Cellularity of endomorphism algebras of tilting objects Journal Article

In: Adv. Math., vol. 404, pp. Paper No. 108387, 38, 2022, ISSN: 0001-8708.

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Bernhardt, Dominik; Boykett, Tim; Devillers, Alice; Flake, Johannes; Glasby, SP

The groups G satisfying a functional equation f(xk)=xf(x) for some k∈G Journal Article

In: J. Group Theory , vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 1055–1081, 2022.

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Bernhardt, Dominik; Niemeyer, Alice C.; Rober, Friedrich; Wollenhaupt, Lucas

Conjugacy classes and centralisers in wreath products Journal Article

In: J. Symbolic Comput., vol. 113, pp. 97–125, 2022, ISSN: 0747-7171.

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Biasse, Jean-François; Erukulangara, Muhammed Rashad; Fieker, Claus; Hofmann, Tommy; Youmans, William

Mildly Short Vectors in Ideals of Cyclotomic Fields Without Quantum Computers Journal Article

In: Mathematical Cryptology, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 84–107, 2022.

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Biasse, Jean-François; Fieker, Claus; Hofmann, Tommy; Page, Aurel

Norm relations and computational problems in number fields Journal Article

In: Journal of the London Mathematical Society, II. Ser., vol. 105, no. 4, pp. 2373–2414, 2022.

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Boehm, Janko; Bendle, Dominik; Decker, Wolfram; Georgoudis, Alessandro; Pfreundt, Franz-Josef; Rahn, Mirko; Zhang, Yang

Module Intersection for the Integration-by-Parts Reduction of Multi-Loop Feynman Integrals Journal Article

In: Proceeding of Science, vol. MA2019, pp. 004, 2022.

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Böhm, Janko; Decker, Wolfram; Laplagne, Santiago; Pfister, Gerhard

Computing integral bases via localization and Hensel lifting Journal Article

In: Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 109, pp. 283-324, 2022, ISSN: 0747-7171.

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Böhm, Janko; Goldner, Christoph; Markwig, Hannah

Counts of (tropical) curves in E×ℙ1 and Feynman integrals Journal Article

In: Annales Henri Poincaré, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 121-158, 2022.

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Böhm, Janko; Goldner, Christoph; Markwig, Hannah

Tropical mirror symmetry in dimension one Journal Article

In: SIGMA, vol. 18, pp. 046, 2022.

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Böhm, Janko; Jacobsen, Jesper Lykke; Jiang, Yunfeng; Zhang, Yang

Geometric algebra and algebraic geometry of loop and Potts models Journal Article

In: JHEP, vol. 05, pp. 068, 2022.

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Böhmler, B.; Farrell, N.; Lassueur, C.

Trivial source character tables of rm SL_2(q), I Journal Article

In: J. Algebra, vol. 598, pp. 308–350, 2022.

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Bonnafoux, Etienne; Kany, Manuel; Kattler, Pascal; Matheus, Carlos; Niño, Rogelio; Sedano-Mendoza, Manuel; Valdez, Ferrán; Weitze-Schmithüsen, Gabriela

Arithmeticity of the Kontsevich–Zorich monodromies of certain families of square-tiled surfaces Online


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Bonnafoux, Etienne; Kany, Manuel; Kattler, Pascal; Matheus, Carlos; Niño, Rogelio; Sedano-Mendoza, Manuel; Valdez, Ferrán; Weitze-Schmithüsen, Gabriela

Arithmeticity of the Kontsevich–Zorich monodromies of certain families of square-tiled surfaces Online


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Brachter, Jendrik; Schweitzer, Pascal

A Systematic Study of Isomorphism Invariants of Finite Groups via the Weisfeiler-Leman Dimension Proceedings Article

In: Chechik, Shiri; Navarro, Gonzalo; Rotenberg, Eva; Herman, Grzegorz (Ed.): 30th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2022), pp. 27:1–27:14, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2022, ISSN: 1868-8969.

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Brandhorst, Simon; Hofmann, Tommy

Generation of local unitary groups Journal Article

In: J. Algebra, vol. 609, pp. 484–513, 2022, ISSN: 0021-8693, (With an appendix by Sven Manthe).

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Brandhorst, Simon; Shimada, Ichiro

Borcherds' method for Enriques surfaces Journal Article

In: Michigan Math. J., vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 3–18, 2022, ISSN: 0026-2285.

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Brandhorst, Simon; Shimada, Ichiro

Automorphism groups of certain Enriques surfaces Journal Article

In: Found. Comput. Math., vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 1463–1512, 2022, ISSN: 1615-3375.

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Breuer, Thomas; Malle, Gunter

Database of generic decomposition matrices Online

2022, visited: 01.01.2022.

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Bruce, Juliette; Corey, Daniel; Erman, Daniel; Goldstein, Steve; Laudone, Robert P.; Yang, Jay

Syzygies of P1×P1: data and conjectures Journal Article

In: Journal of Algebra, vol. 593, pp. 589-621, 2022, ISSN: 0021-8693.

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Cavalieri, Renzo; Markwig, Hannah; Ranganathan, Dhruv

Pluricanonical cycles and tropical covers Online

2022, visited: 01.01.2022, (Preprint, arXiv:2206.14034).

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Chirivì, Rocco; Fang, Xin; Littelmann, Peter

Seshadri stratification for Schubert varieties and standard monomial theory Journal Article

In: Proceedings Mathematical Sciences, vol. 132, pp. Paper No. 74, 58, 2022.

Links | BibTeX


Collins, Benoıt; Leid, Felix; Sakuma, Noriyoshi

Matrix models for cyclic monotone and monotone independences Online

2022, visited: 01.01.2022.

Links | BibTeX


Columbus, Tobias; Herrlich, Frank; Mützel, Bjoern; Weitze-Schmithüsen, Gabriela

Systolic geometry of translation surfaces Journal Article

In: Experimental Mathematics, vol. mboxonline, 2022.

Links | BibTeX


Corey, Daniel; Li, Wanlin

The Ceresa class and tropical curves of hyperelliptic type Online

2022, visited: 01.01.2022.

Links | BibTeX


Corey, Daniel; Luber, Dante

The Grassmannian of 3-planes in ℂ8 is schön Online

2022, visited: 01.01.2022, (Accepted to Algebraic Combinatorics).

Links | BibTeX


Corey, Dan; Markwig, Hannah; Ranganathan, Dhruv

Counting tropical curves in ℙ1×ℙ1: computation & polynomiality properties Online

2022, visited: 01.01.2022.

Links | BibTeX


Corey, Daniel; Olarte, Jorge Alberto

Initial degenerations of flag varieties Online

2022, visited: 01.01.2022.

Links | BibTeX


Eisenbud, David; Schreyer, Frank-Olaf

Hyperelliptic curves and Ulrich sheaves on the complete intersection of two quadrics Online

2022, visited: 01.01.2022, (Preprint, arXiv:2212.07227).

Links | BibTeX


Maazouz, Yassine El; Lerario, Antonio

A non-archimedean version of Kostlan's theorem. Online

2022, visited: 01.01.2022.

Links | BibTeX


Fang, Xin; Gorsky, Mikhail

Exact structures and degeneration of Hall algebras Journal Article

In: Advances in Mathematics, vol. 398, pp. Paper No. 108210, 41, 2022, ISSN: 0001-8708,1090-2082.

Links | BibTeX


Feng, Zhicheng; Malle, Gunter

The inductive blockwise Alperin weight condition for type 𝖢 and the prime 2 Journal Article

In: Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, vol. 113, iss. 1, pp. 1-20, 2022.

Links | BibTeX


Fieker, Claus; Joswig, Michael; Hofmann, Tommy

Computing Galois groups of Ehrhart polynomials in OSCAR Journal Article

In: Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, vol. 86B, no. 87, 2022.

Links | BibTeX


Flake, Johannes; Maaßen, Laura

Semisimplicity and indecomposable objects in interpolating partition categories Journal Article

In: International Mathematics Research Notices, vol. 2022, iss. 22, pp. 17363–17430, 2022.

Links | BibTeX


Flake, Johannes; Mackscheidt, Verity

Interpolating PBW Deformations for the Orthosymplectic Groups Online


Links | BibTeX


Geck, Meinolf; Hetz, Jonas

On the labelling of characters of Weyl groups of type F_4 Online

2022, visited: 01.01.2022.

Links | BibTeX


Glasby, Stephen P.; Niemeyer, Alice C.; Praeger, Cheryl E.

Random generation of direct sums of finite non-degenerate subspaces Journal Article

In: Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 649, pp. 408-432, 2022.

Links | BibTeX


Glasby, Stephen P.; Niemeyer, Alice C.; Praeger, Cheryl E.

The probability of spanning a classical space by two non-degenerate subspaces of complementary dimensions Journal Article

In: Finite Fields and their Applications, vol. 82, 2022.

Links | BibTeX


Hahn, Marvin Anas; Ittersum, Jan-Willem; Leid, Felix

Triply mixed coverings of arbitrary base curves: quasimodularity, quantum curves and a mysterious topological recursion Journal Article

In: Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré D, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 239–296, 2022.

Links | BibTeX


Hahn, Marvin Anas; Markwig, Hannah

Twisted Hurwitz numbers: tropical and polynomial structures Online

2022, visited: 01.01.2022, (Preprint, arXiv:2210.00595).

Links | BibTeX


Markwig, Hannah; Markwig, Thomas; Shaw, Kris; Shustin, Eugenii

Tropical floor plans and enumeration of complex and real multi-nodal surfaces Journal Article

In: J. Algebraic Geom., vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 261–301, 2022, ISSN: 1056-3911.

Links | BibTeX


Hoff, Michael; Staglianò, Giovanni

Explicit constructions of K3 surfaces and unirational Noether-Lefschetz divisors Journal Article

In: J. Algebra, vol. 611, pp. 630–650, 2022.



Hoff, Michael; Stenger, Isabel; Yáñez, José Ignacio

Movable cones of complete intersections of multidegree one on products of projective spaces Online

2022, visited: 01.01.2022, (Preprint, arXiv:2207.11150).

Links | BibTeX


Irelli, Giovanni Cerulli; Esposito, Francesco; Fang, Xin; Fourier, Ghislain

Specialization map for quiver Grassmannians Online


Links | BibTeX


Jell, Philipp; Markwig, Hannah; Rincón, Felipe; Schröter, Benjamin

Moduli spaces of codimension-one subspaces in a linear variety and their tropicalization Journal Article

In: Electron. J. Combin., vol. 29, no. 2, pp. Paper No. 2.31, 33, 2022.

Links | BibTeX


Johansson, Birte

On the inductive McKay--Navarro condition for finite groups of Lie type in their defining characteristic Journal Article

In: J. Algebra, vol. 610, pp. 223-240, 2022.

Links | BibTeX


Joswig, Michael; Loho, Georg; Luber, Dante; Olarte, Jorge

Generalized permutahedra and positive flag Dressians Journal Article

In: Discrete Mathematics Days 2022, vol. 263, pp. 163, 2022.


482 entries « 1 of 4 »

All Publications (ordered by years)

482 entries « 1 of 4 »



Basson, Dirk; Böhm, Janko; Marais, Magdaleen S.; Rahn, Mirko; Rakotoarisoa, Hobihasina P.

Massively Parallel Modular Methods in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024, (Preprint).

Links | BibTeX


Bendle, Dominik; Böhm, Janko; Heymann, Murray; Ma, Rourou; Rahn, Mirko; Ristau, Lukas; Wittmann, Marcel; Wu, Zihao; Xu, Hefeng; Zhang, Yang

pfd-parallel, a Singular/GPI-Space package for massively parallel multivariate partial fractioning Journal Article

In: Computer Physics Communications, vol. 294, pp. 108942, 2024, ISSN: 0010-4655.

Links | BibTeX


Bendle, Dominik; Böhm, Janko; Ren, Yue; Schröter, Benjamin

Massively parallel computation of tropical varieties, their positive part, and tropical Grassmannians Journal Article

In: Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 120, pp. 102224, 2024, ISSN: 0747-7171.

Links | BibTeX


Böhm, Janko; Breuer, Thomas

Algorithms for GIT-Fans of Affine Torus Actions Book Section Forthcoming

In: Forthcoming.



Böhm, Janko; Decker, Wolfram; Schreyer, Frank-Olaf

Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Book Section Forthcoming

In: Forthcoming.



Böhm, Janko; Marais, Magdaleen S.; Pfister, Gerhard

Moduli Parameters of Complex Singularities with Non-Degenerate Newton Boundary Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024, (Preprint).

Links | BibTeX


Boos, Magdalena; Irelli, Giovanni Cerulli; Fang, Xin; Fourier, Ghislain

Symmetric degenerations for equoriented quivers of type A Journal Article

In: 2024.

Links | BibTeX


Brandhorst, Simon; Zach, Matthias

Elliptic fibrations on Vinberg's most algebraic K3 surface Book Section Forthcoming

In: Forthcoming.

Links | BibTeX


Breuer, Thomas; Calegari, Frank; Dolfi, Silvio; Navarro, Gabriel; Tiep, Pham Huu

Finite groups whose real irreducible representations have unique dimensions Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

Links | BibTeX


Breuer, Thomas; Héthelyi, László; Horváth, Erzsébet; Külshammer, Burkhard

On Frobenius graphs of diameter 3 for finite groups Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

Links | BibTeX


Breuer, Thomas; Nebe, Gabriele; Parker, Richard

An ATLAS of orthogonal representations Journal Article

In: OSCAR Book, 2024.

Links | BibTeX


Casabella, Laura; Joswig, Michael; Kastner, Lars

Subdivisions of Hypersimplices: with a View Toward Finite Metric Spaces Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

Links | BibTeX


Cavalieri, Renzo; Markwig, Hannah; Schmitt, Johannes

k-leaky double Hurwitz descendants Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

Links | BibTeX


Cleuster, Ester; Fourier, Ghislain; Lerner, Felix

FFLV polytopes are string polytopes Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

Links | BibTeX


Fourier, Ghislain; Eß, Léon

A minimal Gröbner basis for simple sl_n or sp_n-modules Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

Links | BibTeX


Glasby, S. P.; Niemeyer, Alice C.; Praeger, Cheryl E.

Bipartite q-Kneser graphs and two-generated irreducible linear groups Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024, (Preprint (reference will be added)).

Links | BibTeX


Hahn, Marvin Anas; Markwig, Hannah

Tropical twisted Hurwitz numbers for elliptic curves Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

Links | BibTeX


Hahn, Marvin Anas; Nebe, Gabriele; Stanojkovski, Mima; Sturmfels, Bernd

Subspaces Fixed by a Nilpotent Matrix Journal Article

In: Orbita Mathematicae, vol. 1, pp. 1–15, 2024.



Horn, Max.; Pfersdorff, Tristan; Rademacher, Daniel

MSLP analysis for constructive recognition of classical groups of small rank Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024, (Preprint (reference will be added)).



Johansson, Birte

The inductive McKay–Navarro condition for the Suzuki and Ree groups and for groups with non-generic Sylow normalizers Journal Article

In: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, vol. 228, pp. Paper No. 107469, 18 pp., 2024.

Links | BibTeX


Niemeyer, Alice C.; Horn, Max; Praeger, Cheryl E.; Rademacher, Daniel

A new approach for Constructive Recognition of Special Linear Groups Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024, (Preprint (reference will be added)).



Niemeyer, Alice C.; Popiel, Tomasz; Praeger, Cheryl E.; Rademacher, Daniel

Straight-line programs with memory and matrix Bruhat decomposition Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

Links | BibTeX


Roth, Marie

Unitriangularity of decomposition matrices of the unipotent $ell$-blocks for simple adjoint exceptional groups Online

2024, visited: 01.01.2024.

Links | BibTeX


Wu, Zihao; Böhm, Janko; Ma, Rourou; Xu, Hefeng; Zhang, Yang

NeatIBP 1.0, a package generating small-size integration-by-parts relations for Feynman integrals Journal Article

In: Computer Physics Communications, vol. 295, pp. 108999, 2024, ISSN: 0010-4655.

Links | BibTeX


Wu, Zihao; Böhm, Janko; Ma, Rourou; Xu, Hefeng; Zhang, Yang

NeatIBP 1.0, a package generating small-size integration-by-parts relations for Feynman integrals Journal Article

In: Computer Physics Communications, vol. 295, pp. 108999, 2024, ISSN: 0010-4655.

Links | BibTeX



Ahmad, Ibrahim; Fourier, Ghislain; Joswig, Michael

Order and chain polytopes of maximal ranked posets Online

2023, visited: 04.09.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Balla, George; Fang, Xin

Tropical symplectic flag varieties: a Lie-theoretic approach Online

2023, visited: 20.02.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Balla, George; Fang, Xin

Tropical symplectic flag variety: a Lie-theoretic approach Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Accepted in Algebraic Combinatorics).

Links | BibTeX


Balla, George; Olarte, Jorge Alberto

The tropical symplectic Grassmannian Journal Article

In: International Mathematics Research Notices, vol. 2023, no. 2, pp. 1036–1072, 2023.



Balla, George

Symplectic PBW degenerate flag varieties; PBW tableaux and defining equations Journal Article

In: Transformation Groups, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 505–540, 2023.



Bellamy, Gwyn; Schmitt, Johannes; Thiel, Ulrich

On parabolic subgroups of symplectic reflection groups Journal Article

In: Glasg. Math. J., vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 401–413, 2023.



Bellamy, Gwyn; Thiel, Ulrich

The rank-one property for free Frobenius extensions Journal Article

In: Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, 2023, (To appear).

Links | BibTeX


Belotti, Mara; Joswig, Michael; Meroni, Chiara; Schleis, Victoria; Schmitt, Johannes

Computations in OSCAR Journal Article

In: SIAM News, vol. 56, iss. 7, 2023, (SIAM News, Sept issue, pp. 9-10).

Links | BibTeX


Biasse, Jean-François; Fieker, Claus; Hofmann, Tommy; Youmans, William

An algorithm for solving the principal ideal problem with subfields Journal Article

In: Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Blomme, Thomas; Markwig, Hannah

Tropical descendant invariants with line constraints Journal Article

In: Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Blomme, Thomas; Schleis, Victoria

Tropical Möbius strips and ruled surfaces Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Böhm, J.; Dastur, F.; Hoffmann, A.; Markwig, H.; Traore, A.

Algorithms for Gromov-Witten Invariants of Elliptic Curves Book Section Forthcoming

In: Forthcoming.

Links | BibTeX


Bonnafé, Cédric; Thiel, Ulrich

Computational aspects of Calogero-Moser spaces Journal Article

In: Selecta Math. New. Ser., vol. 29, pp. Paper No. 79, 2023.



Borzì, Alessio; Schleis, Victoria

Linear Degenerate Tropical Flag Varieties Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Brachter, Jendrik; Kaja, Eda

Classification of non-solvable groups whose power graph is a cograph Journal Article

In: Journal of Group Theory, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 851–872, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Brachter, Jendrik; Kaja, Eda

On groups with chordal power graph, including a classification in the case of finite simple groups Journal Article

In: Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1095–1124, 2023, ISSN: 1572-9192.

Links | BibTeX


Brandhorst, Simon; Cattaneo, Alberto

Prime order isometries of unimodular lattices and automorphisms of IHS manifolds Journal Article

In: Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, no. 18, pp. 15584–15638, 2023, ISSN: 1073-7928,1687-0247.

Links | BibTeX


Brandhorst, Simon; Elkies, Noam D.

Equations for a K3 Lehmer map Journal Article

In: J. Algebr. Geom., vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 641–675, 2023, ISSN: 1056-3911.

Links | BibTeX


Brandhorst, Simon; Mezzedimi, Giacomo

Borcherds lattices and K3 surfaces of zero entropy Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Brandhorst, Simon; Rams, Sławomir; Shimada, Ichiro

On characteristic polynomials of automorphisms of Enriques surfaces Journal Article

In: Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 633–656, 2023, ISSN: 0034-5318.

Links | BibTeX


Brandhorst, Simon; Veniani, Davide Cesare

Hensel lifting algortihms for quadratic forms Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Brandt, Madeline; Bruce, Juliette; Corey, Daniel

The virtual Euler characteristic for binary matroids Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Breuer, Thomas; Guralnick, Robert M.

Finite groups can be generated by a π-subgroup and a pi'-subgroup Journal Article

In: Israel J. Math., vol. 257, no. 1, pp. 55–69, 2023, ISSN: 0021-2172,1565-8511.

Links | BibTeX


Chirivì, Rocco; Fang, Xin; Littelmann, Peter

Seshadri stratifications and standard monomial theory Journal Article

In: Inventiones Mathematicae, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Comăneci, Andrei; Joswig, Michael

Tropical medians by transportation Journal Article

In: Mathematical Programming, pp. 1–27, 2023.



Corey, Daniel; Luber, Dante

Singular matroid realization spaces Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Fang, Xin; Gorsky, Mikhail; Palu, Yann; Plamondon, Pierre-Guy; Pressland, Matthew

Extriangulated ideal quotients, with applications to cluster theory and gentle algebras Online


Links | BibTeX


Farrell, N.; Lassueur, C.

Trivial source character tables of rm SL_2(q), II Journal Article

In: Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc., II. Ser., vol. 66, pp. 689–709, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Flake, Johannes; Thevis, Andrea

Strata of p-Origamis Journal Article

In: Mathematische Nachrichten, vol. 296, iss. 3, pp. 1087–1116, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Flake, Johannes; Harman, Nate; Laugwitz, Robert

The indecomposable objects in the center of Deligne’s category RepSt Journal Article

In: Proc. Lond. Math. Soc, vol. 126, iss. 4, pp. 1134–1181, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Flake, Johannes; Laugwitz, Robert; Posur, Sebastian

Indecomposable objects in Khovanov-Sazdanovic’s generalizations of Deligne’s interpolation categories Journal Article

In: Adv. Math., vol. 415, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Fourier, Ghislain; Nebe, Gabriele

Degenerate flag varieties in network coding Journal Article

In: Adv. Math. Commun., vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 888–899, 2023, ISSN: 1930-5346.

Links | BibTeX


Frühbis-Krüger, Anne; Zach, Matthias

Determinantal Singularities Book Section

In: Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities IV, pp. 45–156, Springer, 2023.



Geck, Meinolf

The character table of the finite Chevalley group F4(q) for q a power of 2 Journal Article

In: Arch. Math., 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Goertzen, Tom; Macek, Domen; Schnelle, Lukas; Weiß, Meike; Reese, Stefanie; Holthusen, Hagen; Niemeyer, Alice C.

Mechanical Comparison of Arrangement Strategies for Topological Interlocking Assemblies Online


Links | BibTeX


Hetz, Jonas

On the generalised Springer correspondence for groups of type E_8 Journal Article

In: Represent. Theory, vol. 27, pp. 973–999, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Hetz, Jonas

The values of unipotent characters at unipotent elements for groups of type E_8 and ^2!E_6 Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Preprint at arXiv230909915).

Links | BibTeX


Hetz, Jonas

The values of unipotent characters at unipotent elements for groups of type $E_8$ Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Hoff, Michael; Stenger, Isabel

On the Numerical Dimension of Calabi–Yau 3-Folds of Picard Number 2 Journal Article

In: Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, no. 12, pp. 10736–10758, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Hoffmann, Johannes; Mai, Tobias; Speicher, Roland

Computing the noncommutative inner rank by means of operator-valued free probability theory Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Hoyer, Linda; Nebe, Gabriele

Orthogonal Determinants of SL_3(q) and SU_3(q) Journal Article

In: Archiv der Mathematik, vol. 121, 5-6, pp. 681-689, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Iezzi, Giulia; Schleis, Victoria

Quiver Dressian Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Preprint).

Links | BibTeX


Joswig, Michael; Smith, Ben

Convergent Hahn series and tropical geometry of higher rank Journal Article

In: Journal of the London Mathematical Society, vol. 107, no. 4, pp. 1450–1481, 2023.



Kany, Manuel; Matheus, Carlos

Arithmeticity of the Kontsevich–Zorich monodromies of certain families of square-tiled surfaces II Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Kattler, Pascal

Index of the Kontsevich-Zorich monodromy of origamis in H(2) Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Kattler, Pascal

Index of the Kontsevich-Zorich monodromy of origamis in mathcalH(2) Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Kessar, Radha; Malle, Gunter

Jordan correspondence and block distribution of characters Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Kessar, Radha; Malle, Gunter; Semeraro, Jason

The principal block of a ℤℓ-spets and Yokonuma type algebras Journal Article

In: Algebra & Number Theory, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. 397-433, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Koshitani, S.; Lassueur, C.; Sambale, B.

Principal 2-blocks with wreathed defect groups up to splendid Morita equivalence Online

2023, visited: 20.10.2023, (Preprint, arXiv:2310.13621).

Links | BibTeX


Lassueur, C.

A Tour of $p$-Permutation Modules and Related Classes of Modules Journal Article

In: Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, vol. 125, pp. 137–189, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Lazić, Vladimir

Programming the Minimal Model Program: a proposal Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Preprint, arXiv:2310.01097).

Links | BibTeX


Lazić, Vladimir; Matsumura, Shin-ichi; Peternell, Thomas; Tsakanikas, Nikolaos; Xie, Zhixin

The Nonvanishing Problem for varieties with nef anticanonical bundle Journal Article

In: Doc. Math., vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 1393–1440, 2023.



Lazić, Vladimir; Xie, Zhixin

Nakayama–Zariski decomposition and the termination of flips Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Preprint, arXiv:2305.01752).

Links | BibTeX


Lübeck, Frank

On the Green functions of the finite Chevalley groups E_8(FF_q) Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.



Mäurer, Fabian; Thiel, Ulrich

An algorithm for computing the center of a fusion category Online

2023, (In preparation).

Links | BibTeX


Mai, Tobias; Speicher, Roland; Yin, Sheng

The free field: Realization via unbounded operators and Atiyah property Journal Article

In: Journal of Functional Analysis, vol. 285, no. 5, pp. 110016, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Malle, Gunter

Projective indecomposable permutation modules Journal Article

In: Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, iss. 51, pp. 633-656, 2023.



Malle, Gunter; Navarro, Gabriel; Tiep, Pham Huu

On Alperin's lower bound for the number of Brauer characters Journal Article

In: Transformation Groups, iss. 28, pp. 1205-1220, 2023.



Markwig, Hannah; Payne, Sam; Shaw, Kris

Bitangents to plane quartics via tropical geometry: rationality, A^1-enumeration, and real signed count Journal Article

In: Res. Math. Sci., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. Paper No. 21, 54, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Markwig, Hannah; Ristau, Lukas; Schleis, Viktoria

Faithful tropicalization of hyperelliptic curves of genus 3 Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Preprint, submitted to OSCAR book).

Links | BibTeX


Marquand, Lisa; Muller, Stevell

Finite groups of symplectic birational transformations of IHS manifolds of OG10 type Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Miezaki, Tsuyoshi; Nebe, Gabriele

Pseudo-normalized Hecke eigenform and its application to extremal 2-modular lattices Journal Article

In: J. Number Theory, vol. 248, pp. 294–309, 2023, ISSN: 0022-314X.

Links | BibTeX


Miyagawa, Akihiro; Speicher, Roland

A dual and conjugate system for q-Gaussians for all q Journal Article

In: Advances in Mathematics, vol. 413, pp. 108834, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Nebe, Gabriele; Parker, Richard

Equivariant quadratic forms in characteristic 2 Journal Article

In: Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 668–679, 2023, ISSN: 0024-6093.

Links | BibTeX


Nebe, Gabriele; Parker, Richard

Orthogonal stability Journal Article

In: J. Algebra, vol. 614, pp. 362–391, 2023, ISSN: 0021-8693.

Links | BibTeX


Rogel, Liam; Thiel, Ulrich

The center of the asymptotic Hecke category and unipotent character sheaves Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023.

Links | BibTeX


Schlage-Puchta, Jan-Christoph; Weitze-Schmithüsen, Gabriela

Totally non congruence Veech groups Journal Article

In: Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 1115–1131, 2023, ISSN: 1661-7207.

Links | BibTeX


Schmitt, Johannes

The class group of a minimal model of a quotient singularity Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Preprint, arXiv:2309.05402).

Links | BibTeX


Schreyer, Frank-Olaf; Stenger, Isabel

An 8-dimensional family of simply connected Godeaux surfaces Journal Article

In: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 376, pp. 3419–3443, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Stanojkovski, Mima

Submodule codes as spherical codes in buildings Journal Article

In: Des. Codes Cryptography, vol. 91, no. 7, pp. 2449–2472, 2023, ISSN: 0925-1022.



Stenger, Isabel; Xie, Zhixin

Cones of divisors on P^3 blown up at eight very general points Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Preprint, arXiv:2303.12005).

Links | BibTeX


Voggesberger, Laura

On the computation of the nilpotent pieces in bad characteristic for algebraic groups of type G_2, F_4, and E_6 Journal Article

In: Journal of Algebra, vol. 617, pp. 48–78, 2023.

Links | BibTeX


Maazouz, Yassine El; Nebe, Gabriele; Stanojkovski, Mima

Bolytrope orders Journal Article

In: Int. J. Number Theory, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 937–954, 2023, ISSN: 1793-0421.

Links | BibTeX



Agostini, Daniele; Çelik, Türkü Özlüm; Eken, Demir

Numerical reconstruction of curves from their Jacobians Journal Article

In: Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 779, pp. 1–12, 2022.

Links | BibTeX


Agostini, Daniele; Markwig, Hannah; Nollau, Clemens; Schleis, Victoria; Sendra-Arranz, Javier; Sturmfels, Bernd

Recovery of Plane Curves from Branch Points Journal Article

In: Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2022.

Links | BibTeX


Allcock, Daniel; Corey, Daniel; Payne, Sam

Tropical moduli spaces as symmetric Δ-complexes Journal Article

In: Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 193–205, 2022, ISSN: 0024-6093.

Links | BibTeX


Balla, George; Fourier, Ghislain; Kambaso, Kunda

PBW filtration and monomial bases for Demazure modules in types A and C Journal Article

In: Beitr. Algebra Geom., vol. 64, iss. 4, pp. 887–907, 2022.

Links | BibTeX


Bartholdi, Laurent

Connectedness of a space of branched coverings with a periodic cycle Journal Article

In: 2022.



Bellamy, Gwyn; Schmitt, Johannes; Thiel, Ulrich

Towards the classification of symplectic linear quotient singularities admitting a symplectic resolution Journal Article

In: Math. Z., vol. 300, no. 1, pp. 661–681, 2022, ISSN: 0025-5874.

Links | BibTeX


Bellamy, Gwyn; Thiel, Ulrich

Cellularity of endomorphism algebras of tilting objects Journal Article

In: Adv. Math., vol. 404, pp. Paper No. 108387, 38, 2022, ISSN: 0001-8708.

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Bernhardt, Dominik; Boykett, Tim; Devillers, Alice; Flake, Johannes; Glasby, SP

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In: J. Group Theory , vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 1055–1081, 2022.

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Bernhardt, Dominik; Niemeyer, Alice C.; Rober, Friedrich; Wollenhaupt, Lucas

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In: J. Symbolic Comput., vol. 113, pp. 97–125, 2022, ISSN: 0747-7171.

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Biasse, Jean-François; Erukulangara, Muhammed Rashad; Fieker, Claus; Hofmann, Tommy; Youmans, William

Mildly Short Vectors in Ideals of Cyclotomic Fields Without Quantum Computers Journal Article

In: Mathematical Cryptology, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 84–107, 2022.

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Biasse, Jean-François; Fieker, Claus; Hofmann, Tommy; Page, Aurel

Norm relations and computational problems in number fields Journal Article

In: Journal of the London Mathematical Society, II. Ser., vol. 105, no. 4, pp. 2373–2414, 2022.

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Boehm, Janko; Bendle, Dominik; Decker, Wolfram; Georgoudis, Alessandro; Pfreundt, Franz-Josef; Rahn, Mirko; Zhang, Yang

Module Intersection for the Integration-by-Parts Reduction of Multi-Loop Feynman Integrals Journal Article

In: Proceeding of Science, vol. MA2019, pp. 004, 2022.

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Böhm, Janko; Decker, Wolfram; Laplagne, Santiago; Pfister, Gerhard

Computing integral bases via localization and Hensel lifting Journal Article

In: Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 109, pp. 283-324, 2022, ISSN: 0747-7171.

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Böhm, Janko; Goldner, Christoph; Markwig, Hannah

Counts of (tropical) curves in E×ℙ1 and Feynman integrals Journal Article

In: Annales Henri Poincaré, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 121-158, 2022.

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Böhm, Janko; Goldner, Christoph; Markwig, Hannah

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In: SIGMA, vol. 18, pp. 046, 2022.

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Geometric algebra and algebraic geometry of loop and Potts models Journal Article

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Bonnafoux, Etienne; Kany, Manuel; Kattler, Pascal; Matheus, Carlos; Niño, Rogelio; Sedano-Mendoza, Manuel; Valdez, Ferrán; Weitze-Schmithüsen, Gabriela

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Bonnafoux, Etienne; Kany, Manuel; Kattler, Pascal; Matheus, Carlos; Niño, Rogelio; Sedano-Mendoza, Manuel; Valdez, Ferrán; Weitze-Schmithüsen, Gabriela

Arithmeticity of the Kontsevich–Zorich monodromies of certain families of square-tiled surfaces Online


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Brachter, Jendrik; Schweitzer, Pascal

A Systematic Study of Isomorphism Invariants of Finite Groups via the Weisfeiler-Leman Dimension Proceedings Article

In: Chechik, Shiri; Navarro, Gonzalo; Rotenberg, Eva; Herman, Grzegorz (Ed.): 30th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2022), pp. 27:1–27:14, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2022, ISSN: 1868-8969.

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Brandhorst, Simon; Hofmann, Tommy

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In: J. Algebra, vol. 609, pp. 484–513, 2022, ISSN: 0021-8693, (With an appendix by Sven Manthe).

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Brandhorst, Simon; Shimada, Ichiro

Borcherds' method for Enriques surfaces Journal Article

In: Michigan Math. J., vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 3–18, 2022, ISSN: 0026-2285.

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Brandhorst, Simon; Shimada, Ichiro

Automorphism groups of certain Enriques surfaces Journal Article

In: Found. Comput. Math., vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 1463–1512, 2022, ISSN: 1615-3375.

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Syzygies of P1×P1: data and conjectures Journal Article

In: Journal of Algebra, vol. 593, pp. 589-621, 2022, ISSN: 0021-8693.

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2022, visited: 01.01.2022, (Accepted to Algebraic Combinatorics).

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Feng, Zhicheng; Malle, Gunter

The inductive blockwise Alperin weight condition for type 𝖢 and the prime 2 Journal Article

In: Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, vol. 113, iss. 1, pp. 1-20, 2022.

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Fieker, Claus; Joswig, Michael; Hofmann, Tommy

Computing Galois groups of Ehrhart polynomials in OSCAR Journal Article

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Flake, Johannes; Maaßen, Laura

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In: International Mathematics Research Notices, vol. 2022, iss. 22, pp. 17363–17430, 2022.

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Flake, Johannes; Mackscheidt, Verity

Interpolating PBW Deformations for the Orthosymplectic Groups Online


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Geck, Meinolf; Hetz, Jonas

On the labelling of characters of Weyl groups of type F_4 Online

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Glasby, Stephen P.; Niemeyer, Alice C.; Praeger, Cheryl E.

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In: Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 649, pp. 408-432, 2022.

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Glasby, Stephen P.; Niemeyer, Alice C.; Praeger, Cheryl E.

The probability of spanning a classical space by two non-degenerate subspaces of complementary dimensions Journal Article

In: Finite Fields and their Applications, vol. 82, 2022.

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Hahn, Marvin Anas; Ittersum, Jan-Willem; Leid, Felix

Triply mixed coverings of arbitrary base curves: quasimodularity, quantum curves and a mysterious topological recursion Journal Article

In: Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré D, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 239–296, 2022.

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Hahn, Marvin Anas; Markwig, Hannah

Twisted Hurwitz numbers: tropical and polynomial structures Online

2022, visited: 01.01.2022, (Preprint, arXiv:2210.00595).

Links | BibTeX


Markwig, Hannah; Markwig, Thomas; Shaw, Kris; Shustin, Eugenii

Tropical floor plans and enumeration of complex and real multi-nodal surfaces Journal Article

In: J. Algebraic Geom., vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 261–301, 2022, ISSN: 1056-3911.

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Hoff, Michael; Staglianò, Giovanni

Explicit constructions of K3 surfaces and unirational Noether-Lefschetz divisors Journal Article

In: J. Algebra, vol. 611, pp. 630–650, 2022.



Hoff, Michael; Stenger, Isabel; Yáñez, José Ignacio

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2022, visited: 01.01.2022, (Preprint, arXiv:2207.11150).

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Irelli, Giovanni Cerulli; Esposito, Francesco; Fang, Xin; Fourier, Ghislain

Specialization map for quiver Grassmannians Online


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Jell, Philipp; Markwig, Hannah; Rincón, Felipe; Schröter, Benjamin

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In: Electron. J. Combin., vol. 29, no. 2, pp. Paper No. 2.31, 33, 2022.

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Johansson, Birte

On the inductive McKay--Navarro condition for finite groups of Lie type in their defining characteristic Journal Article

In: J. Algebra, vol. 610, pp. 223-240, 2022.

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Joswig, Michael; Loho, Georg; Luber, Dante; Olarte, Jorge

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In: Discrete Mathematics Days 2022, vol. 263, pp. 163, 2022.


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