IRTG-Seminar summer term 2020

This semester the IRTG Seminar will take place online.

Meeting: Thursday, July 9, 2020 at 2 p.m.

14:00 - 14:40Carlo SircanaConstruction of number fields with solvable Galois group
14:50 - 15:30Daniel GromadaGluing compact matrix quantum groups


Abstracts of the meeting

Carlo Sircana

Title: Construction of number fields with solvable Galois group

Abstract: The celebrated Shafarevich’s theorem solves the inverse Galois problem over the rationals for solvable groups. However, the proof is far from being constructive. In this talk, we will present a strategy to construct fields with a given solvable Galois group up to a given discriminant bound. In particular, we will focus on the problems of such an algorithm and the solutions we have adopted in order to overcome them.

Slides: Slides_Carlo_Sircana


Daniel Gromada

Title: Gluing compact matrix quantum groups

Abstract: In the talk, we discuss certain construction procedure for compact matrix quantum groups – so called gluing and ungluing. First, we describe the concept of gluing for matrix groups and for finitely generated groups. Then we show how those concepts generalize to the quantum case. We present the main theorem of the talk, which states that, under certain assumptions, the gluing procedure can be reversed and we define the ungluing of quantum groups. Finally, we discuss some applications of this result. The talk is based on a recent preprint arXiv:2006.13656.

Slides: Slides_Daniel_Gromada